Why Lasers are the Latest Space-Age Dentistry Breakthrough
Many people get anxiety about undergoing dental surgery. Fortunately, extraordinary advancements in dentistry have led to faster, safer, and less painful procedures. With the aid of dental lasers, dental professionals can deliver procedures with greater accuracy and accelerated healing times. Today, we...
What is CADCAM Dentistry?
Dentistry has been advancing just as rapidly as any other medical field in the 21st Century, and CAD CAM dentistry in particular is a technology that has been a huge leap forward for dental professionals and patients alike. Let’s dive...
How to Care For Your Teeth While You Sleep
Wearing a dental night guard is one way to protect your teeth while you sleep. Truth be told, some people aren’t even aware of what caring for your teeth while you snooze can do for your oral health. Sure, it’s...
The Five Biggest Benefits of Removing Your Wisdom Teeth
Many of us have had some or all our wisdom teeth removed. Often, we’ve had them removed because our dentist told us it was necessary. Perhaps they were coming in askew, or putting undue pressure on your jaw or adjacent...
How CBCT Imaging has Transformed Modern Dentistry
The world of modern dentistry is in a constant state of innovation. Advances in dentistry are great news for patients, who can enjoy faster, more accurate, and more comfortable treatment and imaging. One of the most exciting breakthroughs in the...
Dental Crowns, Bridges, or Implants: Which is the Right Choice for Me?
If you have a broken or missing tooth, you may turn to cosmetic dentistry to engineer a replacement. The options available to you today, however, present you with a choice: Bridges, crowns, or implants? Bridges, crowns, and implants do have some...
Cosmetic Dentistry Basics: What is Digital Smile Design?
Cosmetic dentistry can play a crucial role in helping us develop a smile that brings us confidence and joy. It’s no exaggeration to consider our smiles as a billboard about ourselves to the world – and that goes beyond showing we...
What Makes Invisalign Better than Normal Braces?
Traditional braces and their more modern alternative, Invisalign, are both designed to achieve the same goal – straighter teeth. You may be curious; what are the major differences between Invisalign and normal braces, and what makes one better than the other?...
Oral Health Basics: How Do I Keep My Mouth Healthy?
Keeping your mouth healthy and looking after your chompers goes beyond being confident with your smile. Your breath, gum and tongue health are part of a complete system that needs to be cared for. In this guide we will be...
Glass Ionomer vs Composite Fillings: Which One is Right for You?
Even with proper tooth care, sometimes we can end up with small cavities in our teeth due to diet, requiring a dental filling. While proper care goes a long way towards preventing damage, there are still a number of factors...